„Das Wesentliche an der Erfindung tut der
Zufall, aber den meisten Menschen begegnet
dieser Zufall nicht. Was er Zufall nennt, ist in
Wahrheit der Einfall, und der begegnet jedem,
der sich für ihn wach und bereithält.“ – Friedrich Nietzsche
In a certain way, this work is based on chance or failure in the course of the artistic process. I wetted an already exposed film with baking soda, vinegar and lemon juice, rewound it and boiled it in hot water. This process is called “Film soup” – this can be made with all materials, as long as they don’t stick. Afterwards, however, I could no longer see any of the motifs that I wanted to capture, and only those Patterns that arise due to the film soup placed over the film were left over. These seem to form their own organism and invite us into a world that is a microscopic journey into the depths of photo gelatine. By failing on own project, a new one emerged, much more interesting universe than it would have been through planned course of action.